An innovative specialty infused therapy targeting a rare/orphan patient population required:
- Market and Competitive analysis of complex, infused analog therapies
- HAE and PAH service models used in analog therapy service model review, analysis, findings, and recommendation
- Face-to-face meetings and capabilities review of every major HUB provider, specialty pharmacy provider (independent, payer-owned, PBM-owned), and nursing providers
- Wholesale distribution and specialty pharmacy network design
- Cost projections and service model financial modeling in support of budgeting process
- Service support model recommendation (HUB, service center)
- Data mapping project for all manufacturer consumers and external sources of data
- Patient assistance program and co-pay assistance program design
- RFP development: 3PL, Dx, SP, Patient Services
- RFP candidate selection
- RFP management and scoring
- Finalist selection and scoring
- Contract development
- Core contract language
- Service level agreements
- Service level metrics
- File transfer agreement development
- Fair market value assessment
- Pricing
- Contract execution
- Implementation/kickoff meetings (HUB providers, specialty pharmacy provider network, etc.)
- HUB, nursing network and specialty pharmacy provider network management meetings and performance audits